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Table 2 Distribution of the studied cases according to pulmonary complications

From: Evaluation of pulmonary complications in patients undergoing allogenic stem cell transplantation


No. (%)

Method to obtain sample(n = 10)

 Induced sputum

6 (60.0)


2 (20.0)


1 (10.0)


1 (10.0)

Bacterial culture (n = 10)


8 (80.0)

 Streptococcus pneumoniae

1 (10.0)

 Klebsiella with multidrug resistant

1 (10.0)

CMV sputum (n = 10)


9 (90.0)

 Weak positive

1 (10.0)

AFB smear (n = 10)


10 (100.0)

Fungal culture (n = 10)


7 (70.0)


3 (30.0)

PJP (n = 10)


10 (90.0)

CMV serum (n = 20)


14 (70%)


6 (30%)

CMV reactivation (n = 19)*


16 (84.2%)


3 (15.8%)

Infectious pulmonary complications(n = 10)


5 (50%)


5 (50%)

Noninfectious pulmonary complications (n = 20)


19 (95%)


1 (5%)

  1. *The presence of missed case regarding CMV reactivation category is explained by death of one patient within 12 days post-transplantation
  2. F.O.B fiber optic bronchoscopy, CMV cytomegalovirus, AFB acid fast bacilli, PJP Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia