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Table 3 Laboratory findings of COVID-19 patients without and with de novo bronchiectasis included in the study

From: Prevalence and early outcome of bronchiectasis as an atypical presentation in COVID-19 patients


COVID-19 without bronchiectasis

(n = 400)

COVID-19 with de novo bronchiectasis

(n = 14)


Leucocytes (103/μl)

9.47 ± 4.01

11.12 ± 5.32


Lymphocytes (103/μl)

1.18 ± 0.68

0.86 ± 0.47


CRP (mg/dl)

51.64 ± 34.45

72.38 ± 52.69


D-dimer (ng)

1.45 ± 1.22

1.93 ± 0.93


Serum ferritin

489.74 ± 222.34

1392.97 ± 969.32

< 0.001

SO2 at admission (%)

84.38 ± 14.10

62.29 ± 15.67

< 0.001

SO2 at discharge (%)

88.78 ± 19.90

93.88 ± 1.47


  1. Data expressed as frequency (percentage), mean (SD). P value was significant if < 0.05 SO2 oxygen saturation, COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019, CORAD COVID-19 Reporting and Data System, CRP C-reactive protein
  2. All data was compared by Mann-Whitney test and CORAD class was compared by chi2 test